there's something
that the scars on my arms
say to each other
every night
they talk about boundaries,
say they are a compass
which guides wandering travelers
across my expanse of skin
they talk about stars
scurry across my arms
and position themselves
in the crook of my elbow
the only part of my body
beneath the sky
as each of my scars
spread out across my skin
like silk-threaded nets
waiting to catch
a star
Praniti Gulyani is a sixteen year old author. Her book Sixteen Drops of Ink was published by The Impish Lass Publishing House in August 2020. She lives by the lines that really inspire her: "I will continue to write till my heart is devoid of all emotion and ideas, and still continue to write even after that, because writing is not a part of what I do, a part of who I am."